"With IBI-aws, we have found a very good solution for our user information, which has broken the call avalanche in the event of disruptions and without having to set up any additional infrastructure!”
(R. Pellegrini, IT Support Manager)
RAITEC GmbH is the strongest regionally anchored IT system house in Austria - and thus one of the largest and most successful in Austria. The company has been responsibly ensuring the secure and stable operation of its customers' IT systems (banks) since 1971. The main line of business is data center operation and the operation of decentralized hardware and software structures for banks to process all business areas. More than 550 highly qualified and responsible employees are the cornerstone of the company.
Our original information concept was very complex, as each customer group or federal state had its own information channels and programs. As a result, we always had to work laboriously in several programs with different mail distribution lists in the event of a fault. As a result, our speed requirements could not be sufficiently met and information could not be provided to the affected customer group in a targeted manner. In addition, the same information always had to be created several times for each customer or client.
This type of user information regularly caused a very high volume of telephone calls in the event of faults. This had a correspondingly negative impact on the service desk.
Goal setting
Our goal was to find a solution that would enable us to provide information more quickly and accurately, so that we would be better perceived by our customers and reduce the amount of information and support requests.
We identified our “pain points” and obtained the management's consent to procure a solution. After an internet search, the available solutions and subsequently providers were invited to present their solutions to us. We then evaluated the results based on our catalog of requirements. IBI-aws won the overall evaluation. A POC confirmed our selection. We were already able to assess IBI-aws as very practical.
With IBI-aws, we can easily map very complex user information processes. No additional infrastructure in the form of new servers etc. was required for commissioning, which also greatly accelerated and simplified the introduction. The way the product works means that there are no additional security risks, which is a very important criterion for us.
IBITECH AG also responded very individually to additional requirements: We had the problem that we had to serve several domains. We were quickly able to implement a comprehensive, joint solution. Here, too, the provider scored with a very constructive and cooperative partnership and a quick solution. Compared to other IT projects, IBI-aws was able to go live in a very short time, which was very convenient for us.
We now use “ANNA” (our abbreviation for “user notification”) to inform our affected customers within a few minutes in the event of software or infrastructure issues. “ANNA” is the (project) title under which we make IBI-aws available to our customers. We can control the messages so that only affected users are informed. This allows us to massively relieve the telephone support channel. As with all information systems, care must be taken when using user notifications not to provide too much information so as not to create “alarm fatigue”. Otherwise the messages would be clicked away more often. Here, “less is more”. We mainly use ANNA in the event of faults. We only use IBI-aws for maintenance work if this is carried out during service times - which is rarely the case.
Our users have responded very positively to this now established information channel. From my point of view, the investment in IBI-aws has already paid for itself in a very short time.
In short: IBI-aws improves our information distribution in the fault process and significantly reduces our workload at the service desk.